Following a third-hand report from Harry of a 'shrike' at Raemoir Trout Farm, today was the first opportunity I had to follow it up. Upon arriving, I was delighted to be shown the bird by Richard from the fishery, as it sat on the overhead wires that cross the reedbed. As thought, it was a Great Grey. Apparently, it has been here since mid-December. It may be the bird that Kate saw in the garden in November, but all she was sure on was that the garden bird was a 'shrike sp'. Anyway, a great bird to have so close to home, and I hope to see it regularly over the next few months, before it departs for it's summer home. A few images from this morning below, but the light wasn't in my favour. Lots of Common Crossbill activity too, in the woods suurounding the fishery. Apparently I missed an otter by 10 minutes. The trout farm has a great web-site, with video of some of the wildife that visits the site at